Sunday, November 20, 2011

Gunpla Builders World Cup 2011 (Side Malaysia) Part 2

Part 1 for all entries and pre-event coverage :D

and for part 2, it will be a post on the results of Malaysia's Gunpla Builders World Cup 2011. massive entries, and so does the results. i'll be naming the winning entries by their Zerogunz usernames, for those who i knew ^^

Open Category

1st Place: Jeffho

2nd place: Rayloke

3rd place: Zero1st

New Challenger Open Category

1st place: Mior

2nd place: Quan

3rd place: Kong

Merit prize




Wing Category

1st place: (dunno who)

2nd place : Chriswoo

3rd place

High Grade category

1st place: Neo Sigma

2nd place : zoidiect/ me lolz

3rd place (credit to Club Gunpla SEA for photo)

Best Coloring


Best Creative and Modifications

(also dunno who ^^;;;)

photo of winners.....minus me. why? i arrived late at the place, so i missed my virgin chance of getting onto the stage for GBWC ^^;;;;;;;;;

all in all, i say winning entries deserve the prizes, although i kinda doubted mine for it has flaws slapped right on it ^^;;; anyway, a very nice start for me in such competition, and a very good way for motivating me up for future pace in modelling

as for this winning, i can say it is just one single forward pace in my modelling career :D

oh and btw, a little treat to myself

Advanced Grade Zedas. why? ZeDas XD obligatory namesake XD

and that's all for now. i'll be updating part 1 with photos of other entries that i missed during submission night ;D

and also, millions of thanks to those who had supported me, and congratulations to all winners ^^


  1. Congratulations on clenching the 2nd spot and yes, you deserve yourself a treat. =D

  2. repeat:

    Keep it up pal, Do your best in what you do best.

    such a nice quote huh? haha

  3. @Bd & Akhyar thanks :D

    well said quote is well said ^^b

    this is a beginning of becoming a bakuc champion XD

    that angry bird is awesome. Wonder what he will do with the rest of the unused part, heheheh

  5. @Heathorn lol thanks brother :D this one is just a very small step, difference between and first place HG is already like ant and TTGL ^^;;;

    and yeah, those SDs,decapitated SDs XD

    still waiting for your personal debut in GBWC Heat :D

  6. Congratz on second place! They need to make that angry gundam game now!

  7. @Tom thanks buddy :D and yeah, that angry gundam is just mind-freaking-blowing XD

  8. I am excited about the upcoming updates on Part 2.
