Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I'm still alive (lol)

(if you're friend with me at FB, you'd be damn sure on how -alive- i am w)

consider this as a filler post. i want to blog but i just don't have the right amount of kick on putting in some stuff >.> studies aren't being a great help either, making myself constantly finding a lil free time for some fishin'

can't wait for summer to resume modelling ._.

(toys in this post are TF Prime Beast Hunters Cyberverse Legion Twinstrike, Hun-Gurr, Rippersnapper, Windrazor, Blight and Mega Bloks blind packs IM and WM)

Monday, April 29, 2013

4 years and still running!

But! with lesser content!! D:

and that's right, it has been 4 years since the first post appeared (don't search for it) on this blog, and glad it still running through the pace of time. though i failed to provide contents constantly, still, better than having an empty year. that being said, while i am typing this, i am actually chasing for a deadline that will hit me in few hours, and yea, studying sure takes a whole lot of your time, at least for a good cause XD

crazy week ahead, with deadlines and tests, and all the thanks and appreciations to all who had been along supporting within the life of this blog. and it will still LIVES  /shot

anyway, enjoy a photo of a ladybug that hatched last night. cheers~

Saturday, April 27, 2013


ahhh like hell imma gonna get the sharkticon one. that one is dead ugly, so before the shelf is warm with that guy, i'd better get this one. somewhat on a clearance price too


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Obarimus Prime

 ah no, not Obama.

anyway, most of the questions are answered by now, what be of Optimus Prime as of Season 3 of TFP goes on

 answer: we don't get our awaited Smokimus Prime, yet Megatron are to face more pains. flying pains

Sunday, March 17, 2013

TF Prime Cyberverse Commander Predaking

 ahhh yess, about time for the last season of TF Prime


Monday, March 4, 2013

HGUC Gelgoog Jager Custom

and here's the complete gallery for my Gelgoog Jager, did this for Scale Modelers League monoeye group build.
the name can spark arguments, as the spec kinda makes it as a part of S-Gundam's Task Force Alpha, and some folks kinda want to throw in the name Cannon, which clashes with the existing Gelgoog Cannon. in the end, a simple Custom solves everything in

 supposedly be a quick, simple, straight build but things ended up rather off-hand for some reasons

with moar LEDs!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

HGUC Gelgoog Jager WIP 2

 YOU DARE POST THE SECOND PART OF THE WIP WHILE THE COMPLETED PICS HAD ALREADY BEEN SWARMING THE NET??? what i am telling myself right now. lotsa thing occured within short time period, and some stuff do get a bit off-hand. so yea, some stuff are bound to be neglected, but this is the time to catch up on that

anyway, some may have already seen the completed stuff, but i have to go thru and had everything off the draft. here we go~

 LED modification knows no end. but it always calls for a start

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

HGUC Gelgoog Jager WIP 1

next project, and for Scale Modelers League facebook group Monoeye group build :D


 frankly speaking i dislike the aesthetics of Zeons, mainly due to the proportional balance. but, Jager hits me at a spot, mainly due to the sort of Gundam-ish design i guess. well, the skirt and the feet that sway from how Gelgoogs used to look like. nonetheless, onto the hunter!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

HGUC Byarlant Custom

 Aaaaaaaaaaaaand it's done! HGUC Byarlant Custom, with a dash of ZD's goodness added to it! ^^

sit back, relax and enjoy the photos :3 thanks for those who had been around following the WIPs

check out the gallery at Modelers-G!
check out the feature at Gundam Guy!

Friday, January 4, 2013

HGUC Byarlant Custom WIP 4

 this is going to be the last WIP post, and it's going to be a colorful one :D

painting time!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Hi-Nu Gundoom- WIP 3

 would be better for an annual wrap up post rather than this, but i want to clear off any post backlogs before welcoming 2013. and a rather overdue one. continuing on Hi-Nu Gundoom, first actually the first kit i got on to ever since i'm home for summer break, yet i put off posting the last part of the WIPs, going for Byarlant instead. nonetheless, lets give this kit chances to show its colors~

 laid them out and begin to self-blaming for putting it off for so long! lolz