Friday, September 16, 2011

RGM-96X Jesta GB- Concept Plan

Epic grunt unit is epic, so that we need a Group Build for it

No, this isn't organized by me. this one is by MVPFigure, and participants are rising fast :D check out the page here- MVPFigure Jesta GB

now, my Jesta will be around mid-november, as i wanna settle up my finals and Gunpla Builders World Cup Malaysia first. so, here it is, the concept for my Jesta.
RGM-96X[R] Jesta FRU [Federation Reserve Unit]

yeap, based on this- FRU

now im sorting photos for the WIP of FA SF till the time i left him. that'd be my next post


  1. An FRU-based unit. This guy surely quell any dissidence around. AF-Hobby mention they be getting this around one or two weeks time. Ze. =D

  2. More groupbuild! :D
    Boy, even some popular gundam didn't make this much fuss when it's made into a kit. This is going to be the best grunt kit ever!! (Until Jesta Cannon shows up :p)

  3. Nice concept you got there :D
    I still don't know whether I'm gonna join the Group Build or not..nut it seems that it doesn't have any deadline on it so I can take my time to decide :)

  4. @Bd probably a beam baton will suit him, but i prefer long beam saber :D
    me will get it from the new shop ^^

    @Hiroy_raind noone shall despite the design, which kinda tell us that Katoki used to fall for counterstrike (maybe)

    @h4msterworld the more the merrier =D

  5. wow, the round helmet shape bears close resemblance to the police ^^

  6. @Heathorn bingo! and because of that, i can't unsee Jesta from going to special ops like those in COunterStrike XD
